Quentin VerCetty (Lindsay) – also known as Di’ rAstroNautty, is an award-winning visual griot (storyteller) and art educator who knows no boundaries when it comes to his creative expression. Since receiving his first award, the Governor General Bronze Medal Award for excellence in 2010 and recent accolade from the Ontario College of Art and Design University diversity award in 2015, VerCetty continues to strive for new heights in his professional creative work and community-based work along with his academic career.

Currently building off his master’s in art education thesis from Concordia University, Quentin explores speculative narratives like Afrofuturism addressing issues of representation, immigration, decolonization and other social and environmental issues through public art intervention.

Quentin’s work has been in numerous academic journals, magazines and a variety of publication. He enjoys good wine, conversation, chocolate, of course, art and traveling. In which his artistry and adventurous spirit have brought him to every populated continent on the planet Earth.

His passion for artivism, using art as a tool for social change, lead to co-launching the Canadian chapter of the Black Speculative Arts Movement (BSAMCanada) in 2016 and has since then continued to spread it across the nation. Through his work, as an academic and as a creative, Quentin hopes to engage and inspire hearts and minds further with high hope to make the world a better place not only for today but for many tomorrows to come. 


En Français

Quentin VerCetty est un griot visuel (conteur) primé et un éducateur d’art qui ne connaît aucun frontières lorsqu’il s’agit de son expression créative. Son travail s’appuie sur sa thèse de maîtrise en éducation artistique de l’Université Concordia, explorant des récits spéculatifs comme l’afrofuturisme abordant les questions de représentation, d’immigration, de décolonisation et d’autres questions sociales et environnementales à travers l’art public.

Le travail de Quentin a été présenté dans nombreuses revues académiques, une variété de publications, come des magazines. Des contributions à Cosmic Underground: A Grimoire Of Black Speculative Discontent et parmis cela. Son art a aussi été présenté dans des pays a travers tous les continents, de Haïti, le Pérou, le Ghana, l’Australie, l’Empire arabe uni et la France pour n’en citer que quelques-uns.Sa passion pour l’artivisme, qui utilise l’art comme outil de changement sociale, a mené au déroulement du projet Canadien intitulé « Black Speculative Arts Movement » (BSAMCanada) en 2016 et continue aujourd’hui à s’étendre à travers le pays.Grâce à son travail, Quentin espère a engager les esprits et inspirer le coeurs de toute le monde, pour  créer un meilleur avenir pour tous.

Pour plus d’informations, visitez www.vercetty.com ou www.facebook.com/qcetty |