Written and Illustrated by Craig Rex Perry Coming Soon! After narrowly escaping with their lives with the magical mouthpiece from Demonica Shadows and her Minions of Darkness, Harmony, Eazy and Juan Carlos find refuge in the attic of small bakery owned by a sweet,...
An incantation of black Canadian speculative discourse and innerstandings Edited By: Quentin Vercetty and Audrey HudsonIntroduction by Nalo Hopkinson, Foreword by Zainab Amadahy Buy On: This seminal collection consists of works from cross-generations and pan-national...
Sycorax’s Daughters, the Horror Anthology of fiction & poetry by African-American women, edited by Kinitra Brooks, PhD, Linda D. Addison & Susana Morris, PhD is coming February 2017 from Cedar Grove. Buy Now: A powerful, revealing anthology of dark fiction and...